Flower bulbs & Wildflowers

For the greatest aesthetic and ecological impact, combine flower bulbs with wildflowers. Flower Your Place offers a blend of visual beauty, long-lasting blooms, seasonal variation, and low maintenance, tailored for urban ecosystems. This concept suits various urban areas like roadsides, parks, and roundabouts. By using annual, biennial, and perennial seed mixtures with naturalising bulbs, optionally […]

This perennial concept is focused on biodiversity uses nectar and pollen rich plants that are essential for local fauna, such as butterflies and bees. Each design is site-specific and takes into account regional soil, climate and environmental conditions. Choosing native planting that provides food and shelter for a variety of species creates an ecologically valuable […]

This wildflower mixture includes a diverse selection of species such as Achillea millefolium, Bellis perennis, and Lotus corniculatus, which together form a colourful and ecologically valuable carpet. The combination of flowering plants, grasses and herbs, including Festuca trachyphylla and Thymus vulgaris, provides food and shelter for a wide range of insects, butterflies, bees and other […]

Our flower bulb mix, designed to increase biodiversity in public green spaces, includes a selection of bee-friendly species. The mix includes Crocus spp (crocuses), Tulipa spp (tulips), Narcissus spp (daffodils), and Muscari armeniacum (blue grapes). These flowers provide a constant source of nectar for pollinators from early spring to late autumn. Ideal for parks and […]
Tagged Biodiversity