The planters loosen the grass turf, lift them up and dispense the right amount of bulbs underneath. After that, the machine flips back the grass turf and rolls it lightly.
For the greatest aesthetic and ecological impact, combine flower bulbs with wildflowers. Flower Your Place offers a blend of visual beauty, long-lasting blooms, seasonal variation, and low maintenance, tailored for urban ecosystems. This concept suits various urban areas like roadsides, parks, and roundabouts. By using annual, biennial, and perennial seed mixtures with naturalising bulbs, optionally supplemented with bare-root perennials, we create vegetation that flowers from early spring to late autumn. Considering factors like soil type and moisture, our approach adapts to each environment. Maintenance is minimal, with just one mowing per year. Monitoring for three to five years ensures sustainable and thriving urban greenery.
This drought-resistant mixture for public greenery contains botanical tulips such as Tulipa saxatilis, batalinii and turkestanica for early spring flowering. Allium christophii and atropurpureum add height, while Allium moly and azureum bring variety in colour and texture. Iris reticulata ‘Harmony’ and ‘Katherine’s Gold’ flower early, suitable for dry, sunny spots. Muscari armeniacum provides compact blue flowers, complemented by the yellow accents of drought-tolerant Narcissus ‘Hawera’ and ‘Babymoon’.
A diverse mixture of Allium paradoxum, Allium ursinum, Camassia quamash, Fritillaria meleagris, Fritillaria uva-vulpis, Leucojum aestivum, Leucojum vernum and Narcissus poeticus var. recurvus provides an attractive, colourful planting scheme for wet public areas. This diverse flowering carpet attracts insects from early spring to late season, supports local biodiversity and improves the aesthetic and ecological value of the area.
An example of an ecologically appropriate combination of Steinzenbollen can be found in the park of Schloss Dyck in North Rhine-Westphalia. This historic estate has extensive gardens where Steinzenbollen are used to enhance the natural beauty of the landscape. A typical composition here might include snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis), wild crocus (Crocus tommasinianus), cave root (Corydalis cava), woodland hyacinth (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), and arum maculatum (Arum maculatum). These species bloom early in spring and fit well in the park’s semi-shaded, moist and fertile soil, contributing to the biodiversity and aesthetic heritage of the area.
Our flower bulb mix, designed to increase biodiversity in public green spaces, includes a selection of bee-friendly species. The mix includes Crocus spp (crocuses), Tulipa spp (tulips), Narcissus spp (daffodils), and Muscari armeniacum (blue grapes). These flowers provide a constant source of nectar for pollinators from early spring to late autumn. Ideal for parks and roadsides, this low-maintenance mixture supports a healthier, more resilient ecosystem and enriches the urban environment while supporting local wildlife.
This bulb mixture offers a harmonious interplay of colours and flowering times, ideal for public green spaces. The soft purple hues of Crocus Flower Record and King of the Striped are beautifully offset by the bright white of Jeanne D’arc and the sunny yellow of Crocus Yellow. Narcissus Tete-a-Tete adds warmth with its rich yellow flowers, while Muscari Latifolium introduces a deep, calming blue touch. Tulipa Scarlet Baby provides a powerful red accent, keeping the composition balanced. This composition supports biodiversity and offers long-lasting, gradual flowering, suitable for a variety of public green spaces.
A romantic mixture of tulips and hyacinths such as Tulipa ‘Blushing Girl’ and Hyacinthus ‘Carnegie’, ideal for use in public parks and along footpaths. Suitable for machine planting, ideal for creating soft, attractive flower carpets that exude tranquillity and beauty in busy public areas. This mixture creates a serene atmosphere that appeals to residents and visitors alike.
A sophisticated mixture of Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Festival’ and Narcissus martinette, perfect for use in formal park plantings and urban flowerbeds. Suitable for machine planting, making it easy to create uniform and impressive flowerbeds. The fragrant flowers attract to visitors and pollinators and enhance the aesthetic value of public spaces.
This mixture of Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Rain’ and Camassia leichtlinii adds height and structure to public gardens and borders. Can be planted by machine. The architectural flowers are ideal for formal gardens and urban green spaces, where they add a visually impressive element.
With flowers such as Narcissus poeticus ‘Beautiful Eyes’ and Tulipa fosteriana ‘Orange Emperor’, this mixture offers warm colours, ideal for borders and beds in public green spaces. Suitable for machine planting, offering efficiency when landscaping large public areas. The long flowering period and striking colours make this mixture perfect for permanent planting in parks and squares.
An exuberant mixture of crocuses such as Crocus vernus ‘Flower Record’ and Crocus sieberi ‘Firefly’, perfect for creating vibrant spring carpets in parks and public gardens. Ideally suited for machine planting and scattering over large areas, enabling natural-looking flowering. The strong, colourful flowers attract pollinators early in spring.
With crocuses such as Crocus vernus ‘King of the Striped’ and tulips such as Tulipa clusiana chrysantha, this mixture is ideal for early flowering areas in public green spaces. Suitable for both manual planting and machine planting, ideal for parks and wide verges. The flowers form a colourful carpet that brings colour and life to public areas early in the season.
This combination of stately tulips such as Tulipa Golden Apeldoorn and Tulipa Pink Impression is perfect for creating impressive flower beds in public green spaces. Excellent for machine planting in large parks and along roads. The strong, brightly colored tulips create eye-catching accents in spring and immediately attract the attention of visitors.
This mixture of Narcissus geranium and Narcissus ice king offers a striking mix of yellow, white and orange flowers, ideal for enlivening public spaces. Suitable for machine planting, allowing efficient coverage of large areas. Strong flowering and robust nature make these flowers perfect for parks and public spaces, where they usher in spring fresh and colourful.
the netherlands
flower your place bv
De Oude Wijk 15
2771 WT Boskoop
The Netherlands
T: 0031 172 728 200
F: 0031 840 034 194
Vat: nl 8511 57 221 b01
czech republic
flower your place
Central Europe s.r.o.
Bohunická 133/50
619 00 Brno
Czech Republic
T: 0031 172 728 200
VAT: cz29449758
flower your place
ul. Krótka 4
66 – 400 Gorzów Wielkopolski
T: 0048 604 761 866
VAT: NIP: PL 2810087206
flower your place Hungary
S-TÉR Kft.
Ülloi út 5. III/23
H-1091 Budapest
T: 0036 1 321 8598
VAT: HU12484836
flower your place
Italia s.r.l.
Via V. Emanuele II 14
20842 Besana Brianza
T: 0039 342 33 81 396
VAT: IT02798940215
flower your place BV
Erfurter Str. 16
52525 Heinsberg
T: 0049 173 310 7024
F: 0031 840 034 194
Vat. nr. 116/5919/4360
Ust-Id.N. DE293734929
flower your place BV
266 Limetree Avenue Portmarnock
County Dublin
D13 K268
T: +353 (1) 442 9734
flower your place bv is SKAL certified for the processing of organic flower bulbs, flowers and plants
flower your place bv is an MPS certified supplier
flower your place bv is a proud partner of NL Greenlabel
All our offers, deliveries and services are made exclusively to our terms and conditions. They apply both to existing and future business relationships, even if they are not expressly agreed again. Deviating conditions of the contracting party we hereby expressly contradict. Conflicting terms and conditions of our contractual partners we accept only if we confirm these in writing.
We do our best, but…
Flower Your Place has a full focus on supplying the best products and offering great customer service. But we are humans and we work with natural products which grow in different conditions and climates. Our customers luckily understand thay things can happen due to for example wheather contitions or product availability, but we use this page to ‘formalise’ this.
Please be aware that sizes, colours, flowering times and other specifications can differ due to climate, weather and other external influences. Flower Your Place makes no warranties of any kind, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability of the information in all our communication, including this website and the documentation linked to from this website, for any purpose. Prices mentioned on this website include planting (accept for flower seeds), excluding VAT. Delivery is subject to availability. Flower Your Place always has the right to cancel an order.
Mechanically planting of flower bulbs / flower bulb mix can only be done in closed sod. The smallest plant width is 0.50 m. The planting depth depends on the size of the bulb – approx. twice the diameter of the bulb – The surface should be relatively flat and free of stones, rubble and roots. The lawn should be mowed and moist before planting. You provide one or two employees who can refill the machine during the planting process and arrange for any reworking. The flower bulbs are delivered to you in advance. You take care of the transport of the flower bulbs from the storage to the planting site.
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