soil sen­sors

Remo­te moistu­re levels

With our FYP Soil Sen­sors we can mea­su­re exact­ly how much moistu­re is in the sub­stra­te. This will help you deter­mi­ne if and when you need to sche­du­le wate­ring. This allo­ws you to redu­ce the cost of wate­ring wit­hout losing the plan­ting. In addi­ti­on, cli­ma­ti­cal­ly spea­king, we see that the wea­ther con­di­ti­ons are beco­ming more extre­me: extre­me rain­fall next to extre­me heat en drought. This crea­tes an increa­sed pres­su­re on the plan­ting. And pre­cis­e­ly for the­se rea­sons, the FYP sen­sors are the ide­al tool to moni­tor the cur­rent situa­ti­on and to use water more eco­no­mic­al­ly.

What para­me­ters:

In the sub­stra­te we mea­su­re the fol­lo­wing para­me­ters: humi­di­ty (%) — volu­metric water con­tent (VWC) soil tem­pe­ra­tu­re (° C)


Wire­less signal, via the 0G Sig­fox net­work. The sen­sor can be pla­ced any­whe­re (indoors and out­doors), making it the easiest and most dura­ble sen­sor to use on the mar­ket! Place the sen­sor in the desi­red posi­ti­on and the mea­su­re­ment beg­ins. Real­ly plug and play! Real-time data con­nec­tion to your per­so­nal dash­board.

Insight into the data via My FYP

The sen­sor data is lin­ked to your per­so­nal My FYP dash­board. View and compa­re dif­fe­rent para­me­ters and/or sen­sors in one graph. The data can be updated per hour, day or week you deci­de.

Mea­su­re­ment inter­val + life­time FYP Soil Sen­sor

Mea­su­re­ment inter­val + trans­mis­si­on inter­val is adjusta­ble. It is the­r­e­fo­re pos­si­ble to mea­su­re more often, „store“ the­se mea­su­re­ments and then send them at once after a num­ber of hours (up to 11 indi­vi­du­al mea­su­re­ments at a time). By trans­mit­ting less often, it is pos­si­ble to extend the ser­vice life. How long a sen­sor lasts depends on the set­tings and can vary from 5 to 10 years. If desi­red, the­se set­tings can be set per day, depen­ding on cli­ma­te, sub­stra­te, type of plan­ting and infor­ma­ti­on needs.

terms of sale

and delivery

All our offers, deliveries and services are made exclusively to our terms and conditions. They apply both to existing and future business relationships, even if they are not expressly agreed again. Deviating conditions of the contracting party we hereby expressly contradict. Conflicting terms and conditions of our contractual partners we accept only if we confirm these in writing.


We do our best, but…

Flower Your Place has a full focus on supplying the best products and offering great customer service. But we are humans and we work with natural products which grow in different conditions and climates. Our customers luckily understand thay things can happen due to for example wheather contitions or product availability, but we use this page to ‘formalise’ this.

Please be aware that sizes, colours, flowering times and other specifications can differ due to climate, weather and other external influences. Flower Your Place makes no warranties of any kind, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability of the information in all our communication, including this website and the documentation linked to from this website, for any purpose. Prices mentioned on this website include planting (accept for flower seeds), excluding VAT. Delivery is subject to availability. Flower Your Place always has the right to cancel an order.

Mechanically planting of flower bulbs / flower bulb mix can only be done in closed sod. The smallest plant width is 0.50 m. The planting depth depends on the size of the bulb – approx. twice the diameter of the bulb – The surface should be relatively flat and free of stones, rubble and roots. The lawn should be mowed and moist before planting. You provide one or two employees who can refill the machine during the planting process and arrange for any reworking. The flower bulbs are delivered to you in advance. You take care of the transport of the flower bulbs from the storage to the planting site.

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This website uses Google Analytics. IP-addresses are anonymised so no personal data is stored.

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Your personal data isn’t send or sold to any other company. For clients we share only the needed personal data to our partners to make delivery of our products and services possible. We also store clients e-mail addresses in MailChimp to inform them about important product maintenance tips. These e-mailings are also used for marketing purposes of Flower Your Place.

Your contact information
In cases we store your date, we only do this at professional partners on updated and protected servers. You are always free to aks us what data we exactly stored and on your wish we can delete everything. For any questions, please send a message to