Flower bulbs & Wildflowers

For the greatest aesthetic and ecological impact, combine flower bulbs with wildflowers. Flower Your Place offers a blend of visual beauty, long-lasting blooms, seasonal variation, and low maintenance, tailored for urban ecosystems. This concept suits various urban areas like roadsides, parks, and roundabouts. By using annual, biennial, and perennial seed mixtures with naturalising bulbs, optionally […]
Visual (Prairie)

This more natural design consists of smaller plant groups that are less tightly separated from each other. More use is made of height differences and a greater variety of grasses. This style also lends itself well to the use of ornamental onions or other flower bulbs. This style is characterized by more complex planting and […]
Visual (patch)

This design method consists of larger, mainly organically shaped areas with perennials. The adjoining boxes are well matched in terms of vigour and height of the species applied, creating a carpet of coloured cushions. Optionally, solitary grasses, perennials or shrubs are applied in a few places. This design is characterized by an extremely low maintenance […]

Eunomia is a low-growing flower mixture ideal for use in public green spaces, such as parks, park borders and roundabouts. The mixture contains up to 35 species of flowers, including Limnanthes douglasii and Malcolmia maritima, which together form a dense and colourful carpet of flowers. With minimal maintenance requirements, Eunomia is particularly suitable for urban […]

Damara is a unique flower mixture that is excellent for public green spaces with a need for prolonged flowering. The mixture can flower twice a year, creating a vibrant and colourful look in urban parks and recreational areas. With flowers such as Delphinium elatum and Hesperis matronalis, Damara offers a varied colour spectrum that changes […]

Carmenta is the ideal flower mixture for large public spaces such as parks, golf courses and recreational areas. This mixture consists of 40 species of tall, annual flowers, such as Papaver rhoeas and Helianthus annuus, which create an impressive and colourful landscape. Besides its aesthetic appeal, Carmenta also provides shelter and food for birds, contributing […]

Bellona is a bee-friendly flower mixture perfect for application in public green spaces. With 40 different species of flowers, it provides not only aesthetic value but also an essential food source for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Bellona, with 10 grams per square meter and a height of 60 cm, is ideal for parks, roadsides […]

Aurora is a colourful and versatile flower mixture perfect for public green spaces. With 40 different flower species, including Eschscholzia californica and Cosmos bipinnatus, this mixture provides long-lasting flowering and visually appealing landscapes in parks and recreational areas. The mixture requires 7 grams per square meter and reaches a height of 80 cm, providing an […]

Amelia is a versatile flower mixture, ideal for public green spaces such as parks and public gardens. This mixture of annuals and perennials adapts well to different soil types and thrives best in open, sunny locations. With vibrant flowering from spring to autumn, Amelia adds a dynamic and long-lasting colour palette to urban environments. Its […]

A romantic mixture of tulips and hyacinths such as Tulipa ‘Blushing Girl’ and Hyacinthus ‘Carnegie’, ideal for use in public parks and along footpaths. Suitable for machine planting, ideal for creating soft, attractive flower carpets that exude tranquillity and beauty in busy public areas. This mixture creates a serene atmosphere that appeals to residents and […]
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