wild flowers

the mass effect

Sowing wild­flowers is the quickest, easiest and most bud­get fri­end­ly way of app­ly­ing color to the public space. We sup­p­ly annu­al and peren­ni­al plants as seed mix­tures or rea­dy-to-use mats. Our annu­al mix­tures will explo­de into a colorful mass short­ly after see­ding. The mats have a ful­ly grown root net­work and will bloom six weeks after appli­ca­ti­on. 

wild­flower mats

mats to mea­dows


Trans­form any zone into an urban mea­dow with our home cul­ti­va­ted vege­ta­ti­on mats sown with a wild­flower mix of peren­ni­al plants. Our roo­ted mats are easy to roll out on pre­pared soil — no mat­ter the ang­le. This makes them ide­al for taluds, wadis, on- or offramps and rede­si­gned city districts. The mats con­tain stur­dy plants that are eager to take root and burst into bloom. A per­fect natu­ral solu­ti­on to many situa­tions.

defi­ni­te results

mini­mum main­ten­an­ce

impul­se for bio­di­ver­si­ty

30- 40 spe­ci­es

pre­vents ero­si­on

sown solid

The orga­nic sub­stra­te is prep­ped with a peren­ni­al mix­tu­re.

root rea­dy

We sup­p­ly mats that have a deve­lo­ped root net­work. This lea­ves unwan­ted weeds no chan­ce.

pri­med plants

The mats take hold quick and will pro­sper at the ear­liest oppor­tu­ni­ty.

orga­nic base

The mat has a ful­ly biode­gra­da­ble coco­nut or jute fib­re base.

com­bi­ne wild­flowers

with spring or sum­mer bulbs

Com­bi­ne wild­flowers with flower bulbs to get the big­gest explo­si­on. The fiery colors of cro­c­os­mia will pro­long the spec­ta­cle well into fall. It’s an easy to main­tain sum­mer mea­dow with a tro­pic flair. Peo­p­le love it. Pol­li­na­tors too!

wild­flower mix­tures

a sel­ec­tion


An easy to sow and relia­ble mix­tu­re. This so-cal­led “hybrid” mix­tu­re con­sists of annu­al and peren­ni­al spe­ci­es and feels at home on many soil types, whe­re it shows a dif­fe­rent face every time. It is at its best in an open and sun­ny loca­ti­on, then it will reward you with colour until autumn. Ame­lia only needs to be mown once a year.


Auro­ra is an exu­berant and colourful mix­tu­re, with a gre­at varie­ty of flowe­ring cha­rac­te­ri­stics. Thanks to the wide varie­ty of flowers, this mix­tu­re ensu­res that you can enjoy a num­ber of high­lights over the flowe­ring peri­od. It con­sists of 40 dif­fe­rent types of flowers, inclu­ding Esch­schol­zia cali­for­ni­ca, Linum gran­di­florum, Art­epi­the­ton usi­ta­tis­si­mum, Gyp­so­phi­la pani­cu­la­ta, Papa­ver rhoe­as, Cen­tau­rea cya­nus, Cal­en­du­la offi­ci­na­lis, Cos­mos bipin­na­tus, Leu­can­the­mum and Heli­an­thus annu­us. Gram/M2: 7 Height: 80cm


The bee-fri­end­ly mix­tu­re “Bel­lo­na” means you can enjoy a kalei­do­scope of colour in gar­dens or parks. In addi­ti­on, it pro­vi­des essen­ti­al pol­len and nec­tar for honey bees, but­ter­flies and bum­ble­bees. This mix­tu­re con­sists of 40 dif­fe­rent flowers, inclu­ding Rese­da odo­ra­ta, Echi­um vul­ga­re, Dra­co­ce­phalum mol. var. mol­da­vicum, Esch­schol­zia cali­for­ni­ca, Gyp­so­phi­la pani­cu­la­ta, Papa­ver rhoe­as, Cen­tau­rea cya­nus, Cal­en­du­la offi­ci­na­lis, Cos­mos bipin­na­tus, Leu­can­the­mum and Heli­an­thus annu­us. Gram/m2: 10 Height: 60cm


The “Car­men­ta” mix­tu­re is a real eye-cat­cher, con­si­sting enti­re­ly of the seeds of tall flowe­ring annu­als. The­se flowers are ide­al for lar­ger are­as, such as parks or golf cour­ses. They also bene­fit birds, sin­ce the plants pro­vi­de cover and a source of food. “Car­men­ta” con­sists of 40 dif­fe­rent types of flowers, inclu­ding Esch­schol­zia cali­for­ni­ca, Linum gran­di­florum, Gyp­so­phi­la pani­cu­la­ta, Papa­ver rhoe­as, a lar­ge varie­ty of Cen­tau­rea cya­nus, Cal­en­du­la offi­ci­na­lis, Cos­mos bipin­na­tus, Leu­can­the­mum, Heli­an­thus annu­us and Lava­te­ra tri­me­stris.


The “Dama­ra” mix­tu­re flowers for a peri­od of three to four weeks, and can even flower twice a year. After the first flowe­ring ends at around the end of June, this mix­tu­re can be resown. The­se flowers can then be enjoy­ed once again at the end of sum­mer! The flowers in “Dama­ra” include Papa­ver rhoe­as in a num­ber of colours, Cen­tau­rea cya­nus, Del­phi­ni­um ela­tum, Hes­pe­ris matro­na­lis and Linum gran­di­florum.


Seed­mix­tu­re “Euno­mia” con­ta­ins up to 35 low-gro­wing spe­ci­es. This colourful mix­tu­re include for exam­p­le, Lim­nan­thes dou­gla­sii, Rese­da odo­ra­ta, Gol­den Pop­py, Mal­col­mia mari­ti­ma, red and blue Flax, Gyp­so­phi­la com­mu­ta­tum, Corn­flowers, Mari­golds, Cos­mos, Cape Mar­gue­ri­te.

Past wild­flower pro­jects

grown to be wild




Easy Urban Mea­dows: Deploying wild­flower mats in Saar­brücken for quick results.

Flower your place urban meadow italy



Fresh and vibrant inner city mea­dows will lift anyone’s spi­rits!

flower your place erfurt biodiversity bees butterflies insects hotel home wildflowers wild flowers



BuGa 2021 in ega­park Erfurt. Pro­vi­ding the straw hat fee­ling AND giving insects a leg up!



flower your place pollinator hub urban meadow Bergedorf Bille



A bet­ter pan­ora­ma and a bet­ter world for pol­li­na­tors. If your 10% of your com­mu­ni­ty con­sists of flowe­ring hubs like this, bees and but­ter­flies will have a sus­tainable, per­ma­nent home in your city or town.

flower your place leimen wildbloemen



Wild­flowers in Lei­men, Baden. Thanks to the added flower bulbs, you can almost hear the buz­zing of insects on this summer’s eve.



IMG_9760 (1)

nord­rhein west­fa­len

flower your place dokkum gracht canal riverside living area wildbloemenmat wildbloemen matten



Urban Mea­dow on a slo­pe bet­ween road and water in Dok­kum

flower your place dublin roadside meadow urban wildflowers



A roadsi­de mea­dow makes the com­mu­te more who­le­so­me.

Flower your place München train station urban meadow



Pro­of that every place can be a mea­dow with flower your place flower mats — even a train sta­ti­on. It does­n’t get more urban.

flower your place flwoers landgraaf town hall



A dai­ly remin­der to Landgraaf’s mayor to keep natu­re clo­se. A wild­flower patch para­de in pur­ple to plea­se pol­li­na­tors!

flower your place biodiversity landgraaf wadi flower mats wildflowers



Land­graaf made a future invest­ment by dres­sing this wadi with flower your place wild­flower mats! A neces­sa­ry boost in bio­di­ver­si­ty.

Mixed poppies near field of lavender in summer


Flower your place wildflower meadow real ireland



Pain­ter­ly dot­ted mea­dow, the way you ima­gi­ne it.

Flower your place Brunssum wildbloemen aanplant biodiversiteit



A gra­teful buz­zing in this pastel dot­ted field in Bruns­sum.




Wild­flower mats around a basin in Land­graaf


mixing with bulbs


Extra vibrance and bio­di­ver­si­ty with bulbs. Add some lil­lies to the mix and count down the days to sum­mer!

Horb am Neckar





Steep river­banks are no match for our wild­flower mats. We put an Urban Mea­dow in the midd­le of Witt­lich.

Flower your place Fulda wild flower mats all in concept



We flowe­red Ful­da. It’s easy to get good results with Urban Mea­dows wild­flower mats. We will update with the results — we’­re exci­ted!

View More

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All our offers, deliveries and services are made exclusively to our terms and conditions. They apply both to existing and future business relationships, even if they are not expressly agreed again. Deviating conditions of the contracting party we hereby expressly contradict. Conflicting terms and conditions of our contractual partners we accept only if we confirm these in writing.


We do our best, but…

Flower Your Place has a full focus on supplying the best products and offering great customer service. But we are humans and we work with natural products which grow in different conditions and climates. Our customers luckily understand thay things can happen due to for example wheather contitions or product availability, but we use this page to ‘formalise’ this.

Please be aware that sizes, colours, flowering times and other specifications can differ due to climate, weather and other external influences. Flower Your Place makes no warranties of any kind, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability of the information in all our communication, including this website and the documentation linked to from this website, for any purpose. Prices mentioned on this website include planting (accept for flower seeds), excluding VAT. Delivery is subject to availability. Flower Your Place always has the right to cancel an order.

Mechanically planting of flower bulbs / flower bulb mix can only be done in closed sod. The smallest plant width is 0.50 m. The planting depth depends on the size of the bulb – approx. twice the diameter of the bulb – The surface should be relatively flat and free of stones, rubble and roots. The lawn should be mowed and moist before planting. You provide one or two employees who can refill the machine during the planting process and arrange for any reworking. The flower bulbs are delivered to you in advance. You take care of the transport of the flower bulbs from the storage to the planting site.

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